Making the Change from Internal Combustion Forklifts to Electric Forklifts

Making the Change from Internal Combustion to Electric Forklifts by Miami Industrial Trucks

Going Green

In the world of industrial equipment, the transition from internal combustion (IC) forklifts to electric forklifts shows a significant shift towards more environmentally friendly and efficient operations. The increasing popularity of electric forklifts over their internal combustion counterparts is driven not only by the desire to lower environmental impact but also by convincing business reasons. This article examines why businesses are making this switch and the benefits they can reap from embracing electric forklift technology.

The Rise of Electric Forklifts

Recent years have seen a surge in the adoption of electric forklifts. Driven by innovations in battery technology and the push from online retailers to expand operations rapidly in recent years, the ratio of electric to internal combustion units sold has shifted markedly. From a 66:34 split in 2019 to a 73:27 ratio by August 2020, the trend is clear: electric forklifts are on the rise. This shift is attributed not only to an increased awareness of the environmental costs of burning fossil fuels but also to the substantial business advantages that electric forklifts offer.

Environmental and Business Incentives

Globally, the movement towards phasing out fossil fuel-powered vehicles is gaining momentum, with several countries planning to ban the sale of IC vehicles by 2035. This global trend is reflected in the material handling industry as well, where there is a strong push towards fleet electrification. Businesses, particularly those involved in warehousing and logistics, are ever more aware of the benefits of electric forklifts vs internal combustion forklifts beyond just their environmental appeal. These benefits include improved workplace safety, reduced maintenance costs, and maximized equipment uptime—factors that directly affect the bottom line.

Reasons for Businesses to Adopt Electric Forklifts

From reduced emissions and lower operational costs to enhanced maneuverability and quieter operation, electric forklifts present many benefits that align with the evolving needs and values of modern businesses. In this list, we’ll explore the top reasons why businesses should consider adopting electric forklifts, and how they can serve as a strategic investment for long-term success and sustainability.

Improved Warehouse Safety

Electric forklifts present significant advantages in terms of worker safety compared to their internal combustion counterparts. IC forklifts emit harmful gases like carbon monoxide and generate considerable noise, both of which pose health risks to workers. In contrast, electric forklifts, especially those powered by lithium-ion batteries, are quieter and emit no harmful gases, creating a safer and more comfortable working environment.

Lower Overall Forklift Maintenance & Costs

While the upfront purchase price of an electric forklift might be higher than that of an IC forklift, the total cost of ownership tends to be lower for electric models. Electric forklifts have fewer moving parts, reducing maintenance requirements and extending their lifespan. Additionally, operational costs are lower as electric forklifts eliminate the need for fuel, which can be a significant expense.

Maximized Equipment Uptime with Opportunity Charging

One of the biggest features of modern electric forklifts is the ability to use opportunity charging, which allows batteries to be charged during breaks or shift changes without needing to be removed from the forklift. This capability significantly reduces downtime and can keep forklifts operational around the clock, similar to IC forklifts.

Driving Sustainability and Profitability

For the past few decades, companies have been increasingly switching from Internal Combustion (IC) lift trucks to electric lift trucks to reduce CO2 emissions, water consumption and operating costs. Miami Industrial Trucks, Inc. and HAWKER® has helped customers switch 5,000+ lift trucks from IC to electric power. The resulting benefits for just those vehicles are significant – keeping 240,000+ tons of onsite CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere, and saving $126+ million in fuel costs alone.

Choosing the Right Forklift Battery

The choice of battery technology plays a key role in the efficiency and effectiveness of electric forklift motors. Lead Acid, Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) and Lithium-ion batteries are all used with electric forklifts.   Lithium-ion batteries, in particular, have become popular due to their long life, ability to withstand temperature variances, and minimal maintenance needs. They do not require periodic watering like lead-acid batteries, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to reduce maintenance time and costs.

Making the Transition

The transition to electric forklifts requires careful planning and consideration. Businesses need to assess their current operations, facility layout, and power sources to ensure a smooth transition. Training for workers is also essential as the handling characteristics of electric forklifts can differ significantly from those of IC models.

Making the Change from Internal Combustion to Electric Forklifts by Miami Industrial Trucks

Switching to Electric? Miami Industrial Trucking Inc Can Help

As we stand on the brink of a transformative era in material handling and warehouse management, Miami Industrial Trucks Inc. urges you to embrace the future with our advanced electric forklifts. With over 68 years of expertise in the industry since 1956, serving Dayton, Findlay, Toledo, and Troy, OH, whether you’re looking to purchase new or used, our extensive range of over 200 different configurations—including gas, LPG, compressed natural gas, and electric models—ensures the perfect fit for your business needs. The switch from internal combustion to electric forklifts is not just a trend, but a strategic decision that enhances operational efficiency, worker safety, and environmental sustainability. With the decreasing cost of ownership and significant economic benefits, choosing electric is a win-win for both your business and the planet. Let us help you make this vital transition smoothly with our comprehensive service and training offerings. Embrace the future with Miami Industrial Trucks Inc., where we provide value-added solutions that meet the evolving demands of material handling. Contact us today to make the change.